German Dictionary

Translation of remind in German

to remind     erinnern

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The CD reminded him of his ex, so he decided to chuck it.

Die CD erinnerte ihn an seine Exfreundin, und er beschloss, sie wegzuwerfen.
Her fur thong reminded him of a tarantula's leg. Ihr Pelztanga erinnerte ihn an das Bein einer Vogelspinne.
Lizards remind some people of snakes, although they are actually fairly cute. Eidechsen erinnern viele Leute an Schlangen obwohl diese eigentlich ziemlich niedlich sind.
stay; remind; quedarse, permanecer bleiben
to occur to; remind; collapse einfallen
to remind; to remember sich erinnern an
to remind erinnern, ermahnen
to remind (of) erinnern (an)
to remind erinnern, mahnen
to remind mahnen, erinnern
remind; remember erinnern
remind jemanden erinnern

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
I received your previous message. Sorry, I did not make the connection earlier, as I did not remember your company's name and have not met Jack Ulmani. You have probably received my address from Allan.
Not worth mentioning. The next day we spent the entire day in the mall buying unuseful things, cheap Jeans of poor quality and again gifts for our friends. I remember buying swimming pants in the sports store.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of remind   [ reminded, reminded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erinnern
erinnere  erinnerst  erinnert  erinnern  erinnert  erinnern  erinnerte  erinnertest  erinnerte  erinnerten  erinnertet  erinnerten