German Dictionary

Translation of repel in German

to repel     abstoßen

Translation by Vocabulix


to repel zurückdrängen
to repel abstoßen
to repel ab/stossen

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
Please postpone by three days to one week. I am abroad, and Loraine can't come with the baby. We are available from august 31 until September 23 (except September 16) where we have other commitments.
Once at the JFK I had six hours of stop over. That was plenty of time to think whether it was worth flying to Cancun or staying a few days in NY, waiting for the hurricane to pass. I called friends.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of repel   [ repeled, repeled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of abstoßen
stoße ab  stößt ab  stößt ab  stoßen ab  stoßt ab  stoßen ab  stieß ab  stießest ab  stieß ab  stießen ab  stießt ab  stießen ab