German Dictionary

Translation of restless in German

restless     ruhelos; unruhig
restless     zappelig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The tranquility of the morning landscape relaxed Lana's restless spirit.

Die Ruhe der Morgenlandschaft entspannte Lanas rastlosen Geist.
restless; (ressles) rastlos
restless unermüdlich

I thought it would have been nice to meet each other in person. Do you prefer to teach adults or children? Of course, I want to learn more English and I can help you to learn more German.
First we got some lunch which was the first normal experience on that day. Then we were told to take a boat. A fisherman and his young daughter were rowing and we continued on the river.
My wife and I left the hotel to walk around this tiny village. We just fell for this place. In the afternoon we made a hike to a nearby hill. From the view point one could see the entire Atacama desert.
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