German Dictionary

Translation of reward in German

to reward     belohnen
the reward     die Belohnung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
My reward for finding the cat was a chocolate bar.

Meine Belohnung dafür, dass ich die Katze gefunden hatte, war ein Schokoladenriegel.
After the children rinsed the dishes, I gave them chocolate as a reward. Nachdem die Kinder das Geschirr abspülten, gab ich ihnen zur Belohnung Schokolade.
reward Belohnung(1)
reward belohnen
reward beloning

The new router will be tested with XTB's solution at the laboratory in Germany by Anika and Julia. In case of success, reports and profiles will be sent to TBX about the progress and the right parameters.
I have your letter sitting on my desk. But, in the last 2 months I have been working on some projects which were very time consuming. I will not be able to start anything new before October or November.
It was fantastic to see that each ice berg had its own form and color. Unfortunately we could not reach all galciers, some were blocked by their own ice breaking off and floating in the lake.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of reward   [ rewarded, rewarded ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of belohnen
belohne  belohnst  belohnt  belohnen  belohnt  belohnen  belohnte  belohntest  belohnte  belohnten  belohntet  belohnten