German Dictionary

Translation of roast in German

to roast      anbraten 
to roast     braten; brennen
roast      gebraten 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The salad with roast pine nuts was delicious.

Der Salat mit gerösteten Pinienkernen war köstlich.
roast turkey gebratener Truthahn(1)
roast potatoes gebratene Kartoffeln
roast dinner Abendessen Gebratenem
roast chicken Brathähnchen
pork roast der Schweinebraten
Sunday roast Sonntagsbraten
roast im Backofen gebraten
roast pork Schweinsbraten
roast beef Rinderbraten
roast braten (ofen)
to roast anbraten

I've got a question. What is a woodpecker? I learn English without teacher and without conversation. I think you should look on the bright side. See what do you already know and to be proud of.
Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
The next day we decided to spend on the other side of the mountain range (antiplano), in Bolivia. We didn't have the courage to drive deep into Bolivia, as everyone told us about the bad infrastructure and condition there.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of roast   [ roasted, roasted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anbraten
brate an  brätst an  brät an  braten an  bratet an  braten an  briet an  brietest an  briet an  brieten an  brietet an  brieten an     
Conjugation of braten
brate  brätst  brät  braten  bratet  braten  briet  brietest  briet  brieten  brietet  brieten     
Conjugation of brennen
brenne  brennst  brennt  brennen  brennt  brennen  brannte  branntest  brannte  brannten  branntet  brannten