German Dictionary

Translation of rouse in German

to rouse     aufjagen; aufscheuchen; aufwecken

Translation by Vocabulix


to rouse aufrütteln

When I saw the small plane I did not feel all to good about flying back to Cancun. It had only twenty four seats and was driven by propeller, which made a lot of noise. Fortunately the weather was good.
First of all they gave me some chicken, which the mother has cooked especially for me. Well, the bizarre thing was that they did not join me while I was eating because I had a different meal.
Usually we were not that picky, but we intended to stay in Buenos Aires for almost 10 days. On the first day we walked around the city center and did some shopping in the Florida passage.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of rouse   [ roused, roused ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of aufwecken
wecke auf  weckst auf  weckt auf  wecken auf  weckt auf  wecken auf  weckte auf  wecktest auf  weckte auf  weckten auf  wecktet auf  weckten auf