German Dictionary

Translation of secretary in German

the secretary      der Sekretär 
the secretary     die Sekretärin

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
At the end of the month my secretary always has to do a lot of paper work.

Am Ende des Monats hat meine Sekretärin immer viel Papierkram zu erledigen.
A few sections of the decree needed to be edited by the secretary. Einige Abschnitte des Dekretes mussten von der Sekretärin bearbeitet werden.
defence secretary; defence minister Verteidigungsminister
General Secretary Generalsekretär/in
Secretary of State Außenminister(1)
Foreign Secretary der Außerminister
Defence Secretary Verteidigungsminister
executive secretary Chefsekretärin
Secretary General Generalsekretär
Home Secretary der Innenminister
secretary Sekretär (in)
secretary Sekretär(in)

He did not understand what we meant, as he claimed that our team won 2-1. It was then that I found out that I had missed a goal when I was in the bathroom and my wife forgot to tell me about it.
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
The American girls came with T-shirt and sandals, not exactly the right equipment for a trip 5000 meter over sea level and minus 10 degrees outside temperature during the day. Anyway, the landscape was fantastic.
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