German Dictionary

Translation of secure in German

to secure     sichern
to secure     befestigen; festbinden
secure     sicher

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The second offer seemed more secure, so we took it.

Das zweite Angebot klag sicherer, und so nahmen wir es an.
to attach (to); stick; secure befestigen (an)
a secure Life ein sicheres Leben
safe, secure, sure sicher
to secure etw durchsetzen
to secure sichern
secure veilig

We were a little worried about the entry to Vietnam because regulations specifically mentioned to leave two blank pages in the passport for the Visa stamp and my wife's passport was full.
First we got some lunch which was the first normal experience on that day. Then we were told to take a boat. A fisherman and his young daughter were rowing and we continued on the river.
I actually wrote you earlier, but everything got erased when I accidentally closed my browser window. Anyway, you want to know about the Germany. I can send you some information and send you some links.
Newly added translation: sentimental    shank    shouting    sincere    slalom    smitten    soften    spacetime    spokesman    stance   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of secure   [ secured, secured ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of befestigen
befestige  befestigst  befestigt  befestigen  befestigt  befestigen  befestigte  befestigtest  befestigte  befestigten  befestigtet  befestigten     
Conjugation of sichern
sichere  sicherst  sichert  sichern  sichert  sichern  sicherte  sichertest  sicherte  sicherten  sichertet  sicherten