German Dictionary

Translation of serve in German

to serve      servieren 
to serve     aufschlagen; dienen

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The native English speaker served as an aide to the Chinese English teachers.

Der englische Muttersprachler fungierte als Hilfskraft für die chinesischen Englischlehrer.
After she served strudel, he stayed awhile. Nachdem sie Strudel servierte, blieb er eine Weile.
Our deacon truly served the poor, regularly sharing his breakfast with the homeless. Unser Diakon diente wahrhaftig den Armen und teilte oft sein Frühstück mit Obdachlosen.

I've got a question. What is a woodpecker? I learn English without teacher and without conversation. I think you should look on the bright side. See what do you already know and to be proud of.
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
From there you also had a good view of the famous Llao Llao Hotel. We took some photos, drank a coffee and ate a cake, before descending with the lift. On the way back to Bariloche we stopped at a few spots.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of serve   [ served, served ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of dienen
diene  dienst  dient  dienen  dient  dienen  diente  dientest  diente  dienten  dientet  dienten     
Conjugation of servieren
serviere  servierst  serviert  servieren  serviert  servieren  servierte  serviertest  servierte  servierten  serviertet  servierten