German Dictionary

Translation of shopping in German

shopping     Einkäufe

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
After our ballet class we went shopping for new dancing shoes.

Nach unserem Ballettunterricht gingen wir neue Tanzschuhe kaufen.
December is the month of shopping although some may find it chilly. Dezember ist der Monat der Einkäufe obwohl es einige frostig finden.
Many shoppers had blisters on their feet after the shopping marathon. Nach dem Einkaufsmarathon hatten viele Einkäufer Blasen an den Füßen.
shopping centre; shopping mall Einkaufszentrum
go shopping; to go shopping einkaufen gehen
plastic shopping bag Plastiktragtasche
the shopping centre das Einkaufzentrum
window- shopping Schaufensterbummel
to do the shopping einkaufen gehen2
a shopping mall ein Einkaufzentrum
I went shopping. Ich ging einkaufen.
window-shopping Schaufensterbummel

Congrats on the results! The main page summarizes the main features of the software. In the future I want to add a profile download page where Vocabulix users can download different Profiles directly to their PC.
Hemingway is trying to tell us a story about two people cannot fulfill their desires and needs, such as having free sex, drinking alcohol, spending the nights in bars and clubs and generally having fun.
We entered the vessel from behind and went to take a shower. I remembered why I am not a big supporter of long boat rides: One every room and facility is small and second you move all the time.
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