German Dictionary

Translation of sober in German

to sober     ernüchtern
sober     nüchtern

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
When the king was sober again the next day, the diplomat asked him to confirm his offer.

Als der König am nächsten morgen wieder nüchtern war, bat ihn der Diplomat, sein Angebot zu bestätigen.

The people in the market knew how to bargain and one would hardly have a change to lower the price drastically. We bought some Espresso cups carved and painted with some local paintings.
I would like to chat with you regularly, but it looks like you are not online at the moment. I heard about the political turmoil in your country, and I hope that it is not going to affect you.
We were a little sad that we had to leave Peru so soon, but we had to take the 7.30 bus which would take us to the Chilean border. Chile and Argentina were still the main destinations of our trip.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of ernüchtern
ernüchtere  ernüchterst  ernüchtert  ernüchtern  ernüchtert  ernüchtern  ernüchterte  ernüchtertest  ernüchterte  ernüchterten  ernüchtertet  ernüchterten