German Dictionary

Translation of someone in German

someone      jemand 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Someone must have been here because there are fresh footsteps.

Jemand muss hier gewesen sein, denn es gibt frische Fußspuren.
Someone grabbed a squid from the tank and threw it at us. Irgendjemand fischte einen Tintenfisch aus dem Aquarium und warf ihn nach uns.
I can't remember all these people, and need help from someone to refresh my memory. Ich kann mich nicht an all diese Menschen erinnern und brauche jemanden, der mein Gedächtnis auffrischt.
to introduce someone jemanden vorstellen; jemanden bekannt machen
to get someone something jemand etwas beibringen
to offer someone something jemand etwas anbieten
congratulate someone on jemandem gratulieren zu
under someone's charge unter jemandes Aufsicht
to restrain someone sich zurückhalten
to cling to someone festhalten an jemandem
meet someone's approval Zustimmung finden
to introduce someone jemanden vorstellen

And I think it is really good idea for us to writing with each other in Spanish or English. however i am still beginner for Spanish learning. It seems still impossible for me to writing to you in Spanish. But i hope i can do it soon.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
I guess it is a very interesting book, but I did not entirely understand it. What did the author try to say, what message did he want to deliver? Do you want that I recommend another book?
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