German Dictionary

Translation of spotted in German

spotted     fleckig; gefleckt; gepunktet; getupft

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The explorers' excitement rose when they spotted a settlement in the distance.

Die Aufregung der Forscher stieg, als sie in der Ferne eine Siedlung erkannten.
He read her re?sume? with vigilance and spotted three mistakes. Er las ihren Lebenslauf aufmerksam durch und fand drei Fehler.
When the children spotted the submarine they forgot about their sandcastle. Als die Kinder das U-Boot erblickten, vergaßen sie ihre Sandburg.
spot; spotted; spotted erblicken; ausfindig machen
spotted getüpfelt
spotted entdeckte/n

We want to fly there again on Christmas, depending on Jenny's work. Maya entered kindergarden last week, and there were a lot of tears (mainly by her mother and not by herself. I guess that is natural.
Right after desert it started to rain and it poured so that the entire camp got flooded. A few minutes later the electricity disappeared because of the water and we were sitting in the dark.
The same day that I gave my last presentation about our pilot project I flew away. The first lag was NYC's airport John F. Kennedy. I left Europe after midnight and arrived there at five o'clock, more or less.
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