German Dictionary

Translation of subject in German

the subject      das Fach 
the subject     das Fach; das Subjekt; das Sujet; das Thema; der Untertan
the subject     das Schulfach; das Unterrichtsfach; der Betreff; der Gegenstand

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Any delay in payment will be subject to penal interest of 3%,

Jede Zahlungsverzögerung unterliegt einem Strafzins von 3%.
You can become a subject if you swear allegiance to this kingdom. Sie können Untertane dieses Königreiches werden, wenn Sie Untertanentreue schwören.
The looker was supposed to stare at the subject for three minutes at a time. Der Beschauer sollte die Testperson drei Minuten lang anstarren.
subject; subject; subject Fach; Thema; Gegenstand
academic subject; science die Wissenschaft
to do/study a subject Fächer besuchen
to drop a subject ein Fach abwählen
to change the subject das Thema wechseln
to drop the subject das thema wechseln
change the subject vom Thema ablenken
subsidiary subject; minor Nebenfach
subject Staatsangehörige(r)

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
Yes I do live in the United States of America. Thanks for contacting me! I am okay with my Spanish, but when creating sentences I'm terrible at using the right form of the la, el, un y una.
The view of the valley, the lakes and the surrounding volcano mountains were breathtaking. We stayed there for nearly one hour and had a little snack. From there we continued to have lunch.
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