German Dictionary

Translation of syrup in German

the syrup     der Sirup

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The mango jam did not jell properly but was a wonderful pancake syrup.

Die Mangomarmelade gelierte nicht richtig, war jedoch eine hervorragende Pfannkuchensoße.
He flipped the pancake and got the syrup out of the fridge. Er drehte den Pfannkuchen um und nahm den Sirup aus dem Kühlschrank.
The Canadian maple syrup cookies tasted amazing. Die kanadischen Ahornsirupkekse schmeckten herrlich.
maple syrup Ahornsirup

I agree that this could be very helpful, as I could bring you my experience and maybe learn from you about new study techniques outside my scope. Language learning is a very broad subject.
Sunday is fine. Please let us talk tomorrow to arrange a schedule of that day. I will call you tomorrow, but in any case, here is my number again. We could do it also on Monday next week, if it fits everybody.
I boarded the AA flight to Cancun, and got there around two o'clock. It was my first time in Mexico. On the same night I had a flight booked to Havana, but I did not know whether I should take it.
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