German Dictionary

Translation of temp in German

to temp     aushilfsweise arbeiten
the temp     der Zeitarbeiter

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She was temping at a movie theater and knew every movie by heart.

Sie arbeitete aushilfsweise in einem Kino und kannte alle Filme auswendig.

I.E. stands for 'in example', and the translation of it is 'por ejemplo'. Is there a difference between this term in Latin American or South American Spanish? How would you say the same sentence in Central America?
Are you familiar with HTML tags? Besides, you have to test the file in a browser window before delivering, just to be sure that it is displayed correctly. Regarding the translation: The second choice is a little more colloquial than the first one.
Have you ever visited the U.S. before and if so, where have you been in the U.S.? I've been travelling in California, it was very amazing. We have traveled by car. Here are my corrections.
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