German Dictionary

Translation of thick in German

thick     dicht; dick

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Aunt Mauve ate her scone with a thick layer of blueberry jam.

Tante Mauve aß ihren Scone mit einer dicken Schicht Blaubeermarmelade.
The remaining ingredients made the dough thick and dark. Die übrigen Zutaten machten den Teig dick und dunkel.
The diva's swollen lip was visible in spite of her thick make up. Die geschwollene Lippe der Diva war trotz dick aufgetragener Schminke sichtbar.
with thick padding mit dicker Wattierung
thick fog/foggy dichter Nebel/nebelig
thick clouds dicke(dichte) Wolken
thick dick, dickflüssig
to be thick begriffstutzig
thick dick; dicht
thick, fat dick

Delivery time can be immediate. However, usually the customization process is the bottle neck. Unfortunately learning system systems are NEVER simple shelf products. The X1 and the X2 can come in a lot of configurations.
We are currently processing the information that you gave us and I will get back to you in the middle of next week. If there are other Spanish language study materials we are always happy to get them.
I was surprised that he charged 5 dollars extra (a total of fifteen instead of ten), because he had to take us to three different locations. I did not buy the whole thing and gave him ten bucks.
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