German Dictionary

Translation of traverse in German

to traverse     durchziehen; überqueren

Translation by Vocabulix


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A good friend of mine. He works currently in NY but is a Swiss lawyer, excellent and very intelligent. Shall I ask him? OK, sounds great. Maybe we can add his words and expressions (from the law field) as well.
The days before I left to Mexico and Cuba I started to track the hurricanes in the region. September was not the ideal time to visit the region, but it fitted the best according to my previous boss.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of traverse   [ traversed, traversed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of überqueren
überquere  überquerst  überquert  überqueren  überquert  überqueren  überquerte  überquertest  überquerte  überquerten  überquertet  überquerten