German Dictionary

Translation of trial in German

the trial     der Versuch; die Gerichtsverhandlung; die Probe; die Verhandlung

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Sample sentences:
There is often a lot of hatred involved in divorce trials.

Oft ist bei Scheidungsprozessen viel Hass im Spiel.
A fair trial aims at bringing justice to all parties. Ein fairer Prozess ist darauf ausgerichtet allen Parteien Gerechtigkeit zu bringen.
She was unintelligent, but her stamina during the trial were respectable. Sie war nicht intelligent, aber ihr Durchhaltevermögen während des Prozesses war ehrenwert.
the trial der Prozess; der technische Versuch
trial Versuch; Prozess; Prüfung
trial and error Versuch und Irrtum
trial; court case der Prozess, -e
trial Probezeit; Versuch; Probe
trial Probe; Test; Untersuchung
trial shipment Probe Sendung
trial and error Ausprobieren
trial und error Ausprobieren

As I mentioned before, due to the small memory size and the relatively large size of the application, a little of the traffic was lost. This traffic appeared on the log file as well as in the analyzer.
Before you make a reservation we need to check whether it has car parking, please wait. I will be in Switzerland next week. I am trying to get 4 or 5 days off. I will be back on the end of the year.
I had to get used to riding the bike and I almost fell a few times. I drove on the main road and stopped at several little villages near the beach. The locals were very friendly and welcoming.
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