German Dictionary

Translation of twist in German

to twist     winden

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The speech contained several clever rhetorical twists.

Die Rede enthielt mehrere clevere rhetorische Wendungen.
to twist sich winden; biegen; verdrehen
to twist sich winden; wiegen; verdrehen
to twist verdrehen, verstauchen
twist Variation, Rhythmus(1)
twist round sich umdrehen
to twist verdrehen
to twist ausrenken

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Whatever you decide is fine for me. We arrived in the USA. I remember you telling me that you are working with Holiday Inn. Is there any way that we could get the discount price directly from the hotel?
I was a little disappointed that I would not arrived at my final destination the same day, but once I considered all options, it was probably the best choice at this time. I was excited to stay.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of twist   [ twisted, twisted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of winden
winde  windest  windet  winden  windet  winden  wand  wandest  wand  wanden  wandet  wanden