German Dictionary

Translation of unprofessional in German

unprofessional     laienhaft; unfachmännisch

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The messy presentation of the starters was unprofessional.

Die schlampige Präsentation der Vorspeise war unprofessionell.
The psychiatrist's fervent interest in the zodiac seemed unprofessional to her. Sie fand das lebhafte Interesse des Psychiaters an der Tierkreisthematik unprofessionell.

No, it is a summer camp for teenagers between the age of 16 to 18. They spend 9-10 months of the year in the boarding school, first in the mountains, then near a sea in the local area. Some of them have work to do during the summer vacation.
There are many mountains and lakes in our district in the central Switzerland. I'm married and we have a son named Joe, he is 2 years old. I have worked as an engineer at the Swiss Federal Railways.
I am French and I am learning English. If you have questions about the French language I'll help you gladly. Get in touch. I had to go to the doctor and I was away for about an hour. Excuse me!
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