German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Many karate students do push ups on their knuckles to toughen them up. |
Viele Karateschüler machen auf ihren Knöcheln Liegestützen, um sie abzuhärten. |
to make it up; to become reconciled | sich wieder versöhnen; sich wieder vertragen |
to look up to; to admire; to respect | zu jemandem aufschauen; zum Vorbild/Idol haben |
to show commitment for; stand up for; champion something | sich einsetzen für |
egg; eggs over easy; eggs sunny-side up | ei; spiegeleier beidseitig; spiegeleier |
wash up; washing up; washed up | abspülen; abspülen(1); abgespült |
to put sth. up | etwas aufstellen; etwas errichten; etwas aufhängen |
to boil; to boil up; to boil down | kochen/sieden; aufkochen; einkochen |
liquidation; receivership; winding up | Auflösung; Abwicklung |
to set sth. up | etw. anordnen; etw. arrangieren; etw. aufbauen |
to rely (up) on | angewiesen sein auf; abhängig sein von |
to advocate**; champion**; stand up for | eintreten für |

I'm looking to move to Spain in the summer and hoping to visit my friend in Barcelona before then so I was hoping to have the basics done by then. I've always wanted to learn another language, but we are not pushed enough in the US.
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
I'm writing you in English because I don't have a lot of time and writing in German will take me a long time. Just a few corrections: you can not say in English How you do, you need to say How do you do...
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
I'm writing you in English because I don't have a lot of time and writing in German will take me a long time. Just a few corrections: you can not say in English How you do, you need to say How do you do...
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