German Dictionary

Translation of village in German

the village      das Dorf 
the village     das Dorf; der Ort
the village     die Ortschaft

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The village seemed dreary, so we left for the city.

Das Dorf schien langweilig, also fuhren wir in die Stadt.
Linda and I watched the spectacle of the bulls racing through the village. Linda und ich betrachteten das Schauspiel der durch das Dorf rasenden Stiere.
The new disco in our village will open shortly. Die neue Disko in unserem Ort wird bald öffnen.
to take a village Dorf stürmen
the village idiot der Dorftrottel
village fete hier: dorffest
in a village in einem Dorf
village green Dorfanger
village (das) Dorf
a village ein Dorf
village Dorf

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
The next morning we felt much better, but we decided to stay in bed the entire morning to fully recover. We watched some Seinfeld episodes which were running every morning at around 10a.m.
We left town and drove around the lake. Around 30 minutes after leaving we had a flat tire, which I changed immediately. That was very annoying as the rental company asked us to fix the flat tire.
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