German Dictionary

Translation of what in German

what     welche

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Let us recap what has been said before.

Lasst uns zusammenfassen, was zuvor gesagt wurde.
What a dinky little hut this witch lives in! In was für einer schäbigen kleinen Hütte diese Hexe wohnt!
Can anybody tell me what atoms the water molecule consists of? Kann mir jemand sagen, aus welchen Atomen ein Wassermolekül besteht?
What colour is...?; What colour are...? Welche Farbe hat...?; Welche Farbe haben...?
What's your name? Wie heißt du?; Wie heißen Sie?
What about you? Und dir?; Und euch/Ihnen?; Und du/ihr/Sie?
What's missing?; What is missing? Was fehlt?
How about; What about suggesting times
what's this; what is this was ist das?
What sort of...? Was für einen...?
What goes together? Was passt zusammen?
what can we...? was können wir...?

Can you send me the link code for this language too? Is this product downloadable or available only by shipment? What other verb tutorial products do you have? Do you have a basic Verb Module?
We have an option of uploading an excel file. However, we do give this option only to institutions and schools. The other ideas may be given in the future too. Thanks a lot for a great feedback!
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
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