German Dictionary

Translation of wiggle in German

to wiggle     wackeln

Translation by Vocabulix


to wiggle around wackeln
wiggle zappeln

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I saw the game. After the amazing pre-match ball shot I was so excited I could not fall asleep for 2 hours. The Eurosport commentator said: 'So what is his next trick? Walking home on the Hudson river?'
I took a shuttle to the ferry station and enjoyed the thirty minute busride. I wrote some SMS to my cousin who stayed on the island two years ago and she informed me about hostels and good places.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of wiggle   [ wiggled, wiggled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wackeln
wackle  wackelst  wackelt  wackeln  wackelt  wackeln  wackelte  wackeltest  wackelte  wackelten  wackeltet  wackelten