German Dictionary

Translation of antagonize in German

to antagonize     entgegenwirken

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Stop antagonizing our efforts and just work with us.

Hör endlich auf, unseren Anstrengungen entgegenzuwirken und arbeite einfach mit uns.

When have you been to Italy last time? It is very far from Romania. My friends and I were all small children when we last saw each other and when we met again we were all adults. This experience was a very strange feeling, but we have overcome it.
You have to be careful when you go on summer vacation. There are many dangers but the most dangerous one is the sun itself, because if you're not careful it may harm you. People underestimate the rays.
I am glad you know, I have learned Czech and my English is also not that bad, but we could speak in German. I got your message and I want to apologize again. Next time I will do it more accurate.
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