German Dictionary

Translation of feverish in German

feverish     fieberhaft; fiebrig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
After his feverish dreams he suddenly became lucid.

Nach seinen Fieberträumen wurde sein Kopf plötzlich vollkommen klar.
feverish; shivery fiebrig

We decided to the the super deluxe suite but once the reception clown told us that we could not have it without surcharge we decided to take the second best room for the price that we paid.
We had dinner in a Chinese restaurant not far from where we slept, but it was not good at all. We walked home and slept early. The coming morning we were picked up on the backpackers' street.
Sorry that I did not write earlier. I have got a lot of work in my office. I did not forget and always think about writing you. What exactly do you study? Do you have children? Are you married?
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