Spanish Dictionary

Translation of canjear

canjear     to exchange    

Translation by Vocabulix


canjear to exchange

I came on time and two hours later I arrived at Tuxla Gutieres. I was always suspicious here and I never knew whom to trust. Somehow I got to the airport a few hours too early but this is better.
it was great talking to you. I am so happy that you are married. Here are our pictures. Please send me the pictures of you, your husband, the wedding and of course of your baby dog Vasco.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of canjear
canjeo  canjeas  canjea  canjeamos  canjeáis  canjean  canjeaba  canjeabas  canjeaba  canjeábamos  canjeabais  canjeaban  canjeé  canjeaste  canjeó  canjeamos  canjeasteis  canjearon  canjearé  canjearás  canjeará  canjearemos  canjearéis  canjearán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of exchange   [ exchanged, exchanged ]