Spanish Dictionary

Translation of equivocarse

equivocarse      to be mistaken     
equivocarse     to err    

Pronunciation of equivocarse    

Translation by Vocabulix


equivocarse be wrong; make a mistake
equivocarse to be wrong

Thanks a lot. Today and tomorrow are holidays in Switzerland, but I'll do it Tuesday first thing in the morning...please have a look at it and confirm. Where do you want me to place a reference?
It is a thought that someone may have if he does not know anything about another group of individuals. He hears many stereotypes and blindly creates his own images in which he strongly believes.
Although the travel guide book mentioned a three star hotel we did not even had to enter the lobby in order to see that we would not sleep there. So we picked another recommendation and drove on.
Most common translations: enrojecer    encontrar    empapado    elaboración    dulcificar    divorciarse    directora    diabético    despertarse    desenmarañar   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of equivocarse
[me equivocado]
me equivoco  te equivocas  se equivoca  nos equivocamos  os equivocáis  se equivocan  me equivocaba  te equivocabas  se equivocaba  nos equivocábamos  os equivocabais  se equivocaban  me equivoqué  te equivocaste  se equivocó  nos equivocamos  os equivocasteis  se equivocaron  me equivocaré  te equivocarás  se equivocará  nos equivocaremos  os equivocaréis  se equivocarán