German Dictionary

Translation of anbringen

anbringen to add    ; to fix    ; to affix    ; to attach    

Translation by Vocabulix


ein Argument anbringen to make a point
anbringen to fasten; install; display
aufbringen; anbringen; anlegen apply
anbringen to put up

As I mentioned before, due to the small memory size and the relatively large size of the application, a little of the traffic was lost. This traffic appeared on the log file as well as in the analyzer.
Only if the circumstances support it, such events can take place. Anyway, the ones who make a personal problem a public one and who generalize by blaming the whole instead of an individual are guilty.
I do not know if you have a webmaster or not. However I will send you the entire code that must be inserted. If you need help, please tell me and I will help you further! Don't worry about it.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of add   [ added, added ]
Conjugation of affix   [ affixed, affixed ]
Conjugation of attach   [ attached, attached ]
Conjugation of fix   [ fixed, fixed ]