German Dictionary

Translation of Anmerkung

die Anmerkung the remark    ; the note    ; the comment    ; the annotation    

Translation by Vocabulix


die Anmerkung note (n); comment; observacion (1ra)
zusätzliche Anmerkung additional comments
Anmerkung; Kommentar comment

So you see, the problem is pretty much psychological. It is not that I do not like it, it is rather a problem because I am always imagining what I am eating. I always try to think about the animal alive.
I have been there once for vacation, but I was too little. It was twelve years ago, when I was still a child. I went there with mom and dad and all I cared about is beach and sand, no culture.
We felt a little awkward to be the only people in the restaurant and felt a little uncomfortable having taken with us another couple. In addition the Uruguayan cook and owner was drunk, but the food was excellent.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of comment   [ commented, commented ]
Conjugation of note   [ noted, noted ]
Conjugation of remark   [ remarked, remarked ]