German Dictionary

Translation of aufgenommen

aufgenommen absorbed    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Studentinnenvereinigung der Universität Clydesdale prüfte die Mädchen sorgfältig, bevor sie aufgenommen wurden.

The sorority at Clydesdale university tested girls thoroughly before admitting them.
es hatte aufgenommen it had recorded
es hat aufgenommen it has recorded

He also told me that he had build his scooter by himself. I could not understand how a doctor was able to build such a machine on his own. It seems that the circumstances made people capable of many things.
I want to talk about racism, what it is and what it does, about who is a racist and what makes hit so, about its consequences and how we can fight it. Furthermore, I would like to analyze more.
About the accents: This is not a mistake, it is on purpose. Please note that in Spanish some words have accents when asked in a question (I.e que, porque, qui...). Pay attention to the question mark.
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