German Dictionary

Translation of bekämpfen

bekämpfen to combat    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Seine Heiligkeit der Dalai Lama betonte, wie wichtig es war, Armut zu bekämpfen.

His holiness the Dalai Lama stressed the importance of fighting poverty.
Batman bekämpfte erfolgreich das Böse der Welt. Batman was successfully fighting the evil of the world.
Die Sünde, die reiche Länder weltweit bekämpfen müssen, ist Völlerei. The sin rich countries need to tackle globally is gluttony.

Grammar exercises give the teachers and the students different ideas. We discussed the need for exercises in my previous email, but unfortunately I did not receive any further feedback since then.
On the frozen lake, you can skate, but I would never dare it because it is far too dangerous. Who knows how thick the ice really is and how accurate the measurements are. It can break.
I studied art in Germany. I would now like to learn Spanish. Can you teach me a little Spanish? Many greetings from Ukraine. I live in a small town, near Krim, close to the Black Sea.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bekämpfen
bekämpfe  bekämpfst  bekämpft  bekämpfen  bekämpft  bekämpfen  bekämpfte  bekämpftest  bekämpfte  bekämpften  bekämpftet  bekämpften     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of combat   [ combated, combated ]