German Dictionary

Translation of bekümmern

bekümmern to grieve    

Translation by Vocabulix


Do you have a brochure (marketing materials in PDF format), which I could forward by email or which I could print out here? I want to create a new listing for my friends in Berlin. Thanks.
He was educated as Roman Catholic, converted to Evangelism after he married her and he raised his son and daughters by the Muslim faith. They develop skills, make you get used to it, and when you are into it, whoosh, they disappear at once.
What do you think about your job as a teacher? Is it difficult? Of course we can talk via MSN. My name is John and I live near Stuttgart. This is in the south of our republic.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bekümmern
bekümmere  bekümmerst  bekümmert  bekümmern  bekümmert  bekümmern  bekümmerte  bekümmertest  bekümmerte  bekümmerten  bekümmertet  bekümmerten