German Dictionary

Translation of bewegen

bewegen  to move     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Auch wenn Waschbären schwer aussehen können sie sich sehr dynamisch bewegen wenn es nötig ist.

Even though racoons look heavy, the way they can move very dynamically when they need to.
Die Kolben bewegten sich auf und ab, aber einer schien kaputt zu sein. The pistons moved up and down, but one of them seemed broken.
Wir bewegten uns langsam aufwärts und rutschten dann blitzschnell hinunter. We moved upwards slowly and then slid down at lightning speed.
sich bewegen; Sport treiben take exercise; to take exercise
sich bewegen; sich rühren to budge
bewegen; überzeugen to persuade
sich auswirken auf; bewegen affect
umziehen,sich bewegen to move
sich bewegen to move oneself

In addition I wanted to ask you whether you could quickly send me the language file that you created with your colleagues at Harvard. The entire language package needs to be reviewed and published.
In the following pages I would like to talk about a topic which should concern everyone of us. It is a delicate topic which has been present as long as human beings have existed and it will last forever.
Fortunately the bay we anchored was very calm and the ship did not move at all, or at least one could not feel it. We prepared for dinner and went to the deck, where everybody else was sitting.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bewegen
bewege  bewegst  bewegt  bewegen  bewegt  bewegen  bewog  bewogst  bewog  bewogen  bewogt  bewogen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of move   [ moved, moved ]