German Dictionary

Translation of einbehalten

einbehalten to retain    ; to withhold    

Translation by Vocabulix


beibehaltung; einbehalten retained
abziehen; einbehalten to deduct
einbehalten retain

The reason for this behavior may be a reflection of the geographical and geological structure of the state: A lot of high mountains and valleys prevent easy travelling to the neighbors surrounding it.
I'm so happy that you wrote to me and I miss you! We are doing great. We have settled in very fast. Luise is going to her kindergarden, Sofia to University and I'm going to work driving my car every day.
If the issue reoccurs let me know immediately, as it is not acceptable for us! I will look into the network files. Dan, it is great that you put so much effort in helping us. It keeps us going.
Lately viewed by others: dunkelbraun    die    darunter    bravourös    bezaubernd    beseitigen    beklagenswert    bedroht    austeilen    ausfallen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of einbehalten
behalte ein  behältst ein  behält ein  behalten ein  behaltet ein  behalten ein  behielt ein  behieltest ein  behielt ein  behielten ein  behieltet ein  behielten ein     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of retain   [ retained, retained ]