German Dictionary

Translation of erobern

erobern  to conquer     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Duo eroberte schnell die Herzen der Zuschauer beim Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The pair quickly conquered the hearts of spectators at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Er eroberte ihr Herz mit seinem Gedicht über ihre Wimpern. He conquered her heart with his poem about her eyelashes.
Goldmans Kolumne eroberte schnell die Herzen der New Yorker. Goldman's column quickly conquered the hearts of the New Yorkers.

From my experience it is better to test it first with other students. It is difficult for me to give you exact information without knowing your teacher's needs. Please send me your email address.
So the man and the woman are staing at the station, sitting at their table and tasting unknown alcoholic drinks, wishing they had the same feeling of joy that they had known before this all happened.
The Lagoon Explorer had only room for eight passengers and crew. We were really excited once we saw the boat, as it looked beautiful. There was a couple from D.C. which also booked the same boat.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of erobern
erobere  eroberst  erobert  erobern  erobert  erobern  eroberte  erobertest  eroberte  eroberten  erobertet  eroberten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of conquer   [ conquered, conquered ]