German Dictionary

Translation of jedenfalls

jedenfalls anyhow    ; anyway    ; in any case    

Translation by Vocabulix


mindestens; jedenfalls; wenigstens at least
irgendwie; trotzdem; jedenfalls anyhow
jedenfalls, zumindest at least
allerdings, jedenfalls anyway
trotzdem, jedenfalls anyway
sowieso, jedenfalls anyway
jedenfalls,sowieso anyway
jedenfalls anyway

One of my favorite seasons is the winter, the time in which everything is white and bright. But even though I like this time of the year a part of me detests it because of it may drawbacks.
How could I get better in Spanish if I had to eat by myself. Impossible. The next days we always ate together and sat around the table for hours discussing politics and the lives we were living.
She started to walk with us and one could observe that she had lost some of the naivity many children have, due to the fact that she started to be a sales person long before she reached twelve.
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