German Dictionary

Translation of Lauf

der Lauf the run    ; the course    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Viele Hausfrauen in unserer Straße treffen sich irgendwann im Laufe des Tages zu einem langen Plausch.

Many housewives on our street meet sometime during the day for a long chat.
Das Bruttosozialprodukt ist leider im Laufe der Jahre gesunken. The gross national product has unfortunately been declining over the years.
Im Laufe der Zeit wurde sie immer trauriger. As time went by,she became sadder and sadder.

Writing autobiography in another language has some advantanges. You do not have to think to much about the story and you can concentrate on the foreign language. Spanish is very suitable for that.
Moreover, even if we know a lot about a certain culture, we will never be able to understand it in the same way and with the same depth as they do, since we have a very different point of view.
We checked in at the huge Hotelasia, close to the Sony center, a large shopping mall, where we planned another shopping spree in the coming two days. We had disgusting dinner at a boring pizza place.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of run   [ ran, run ]