German Dictionary

Translation of lokalisieren

lokalisieren to localize    
lokalisieren to pinpoint    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Die Landkarte half uns den Ort des Schatzes zu lokalisieren.

The map helped us pinpoint the exact location of the treasure.

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
If that gets out of control (riots or support for radicals), there may flourish a steady ground on which the mentioned could reoccur. Then after a while this turns to be nationalism on a larger scale.
Actually, three hours was enough to get the impression of Macau. It had many narrow streets and some parts reminded us of a Mediterranean village. One can really see the charming Portuguese influence.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lokalisieren
lokalisiere  lokalisierst  lokalisiert  lokalisieren  lokalisiert  lokalisieren  lokalisierte  lokalisiertest  lokalisierte  lokalisierten  lokalisiertet  lokalisierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of localize   [ localized, localized ]