German Dictionary

Translation of Mama

die Mama the mom    ; the mommy    
die Mama the mum    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Mama hat uns Pfannkuchen mit Brombersoße gemacht, Jenny!

Mommy made us pancakes with blackberry sauce, Jenny!
Mama gab mir für die Schule ein Käsebrot. Mum gave me a cheese sandwich for school.
Mama machte uns Pfirsichmuffins zum Frühstück. Mum made us peach muffins for breakfast.
Mama; Mutter mother; mom
Mutti; Mama; Mutter mom
Mutter/Mama mother/mum
Schau, Mama! Look, mum!
Mama; Muti; Mami mum
Mama mom; >> mother

On the other hand I do not like the way they deal with a topic: If they bring international news, they prefer not to focus on the main issue but to present some unimportant background story.
The bus was supposed to leave at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so that I still had two to three hours to organize. I went for lunch at some strange place and hardly ate as it was too ugly.
The same evening we left Patagonia and flew to the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. We have waited a long time for this moment as we have not been in a city for almost two weeks and we usually love the city.
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