German Dictionary

Translation of nachprüfen

nachprüfen to verify    

Translation by Vocabulix


nachprüfen,ausprobieren to check out

In addition she is enjoying her studies very much. Work is fine! I'm in a learning phase and I have started my initial plans quickly. Two hours ago, I watched the Grand slam final of the US open!
I'm so happy that you wrote to me and I miss you! We are doing great. We have settled in very fast. Luise is going to her kindergarden, Sofia to University and I'm going to work driving my car every day.
We paid for the taxi and waited thirty minutes for the driver to arrive. Again, Argentina reminded me of Italy. We drove into town and were looking for a place. The town made a great first impression.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nachprüfen
prüfe nach  prüfst nach  prüft nach  prüfen nach  prüft nach  prüfen nach  prüfte nach  prüftest nach  prüfte nach  prüften nach  prüftet nach  prüften nach     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of verify   [ verified, verified ]