German Dictionary

Translation of verify in German

to verify     nachprüfen; verifizieren

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The doctor verified that she had a concussion.

Der Arzt verifizierte, dass sie eine Gehirnerschütterung hatte.
verify prüfen; überprüfen

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I saw the game. After the amazing pre-match ball shot I was so excited I could not fall asleep for 2 hours. The Eurosport commentator said: 'So what is his next trick? Walking home on the Hudson river?'
The ferry took me to the island. Sitting next to me there was a local guy with two packs of beer, and he seemed pretty drunk for this hour of the day. He offered me some beer and I was polite.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of verify   [ verified, verified ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nachprüfen
prüfe nach  prüfst nach  prüft nach  prüfen nach  prüft nach  prüfen nach  prüfte nach  prüftest nach  prüfte nach  prüften nach  prüftet nach  prüften nach