German Dictionary

Translation of nirgendwo

nirgendwo nowhere    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Als wir ihn am meisten brauchten, war der Kreditgeber nirgendwo zu sehen.

When we needed him badly, the lender was nowhere to be seen.
nirgendwo, nirgendwohin not ... anywhere
nirgendwo, nirgendwohin nowhere
nirgendwo,nirgendwohin nowhere
nirgendwo not...anywhere
Nirgendwo Nowhere else
nirgendwo nowhere

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The image width is ideal on all pages except on the front page. The image width there is almost double. Why? The introduction text could be on the left side, cause that is where people start reading.
Thanks for the tip: We will add a lesson on colours! About the topical lessons around the home: Do you have specific words that you think should be added? It will take a while until we upload the new version.
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