German Dictionary

Translation of schwindlig

schwindlig dizzy    ; giddy    

Translation by Vocabulix


schwindlig; schwindelerregend dizzy
schwindlig dizzy

For example, if I am working very early in the morning, let's say 06.00 (that would be 09.00 your time), I don't notice it much. But 9 hours later, the system slows down, because people in Europe get online.
True, I forgot the 'I' when I have copied and pasted the entire text field. I assume it is the regular form, isn't it? However, the formal form in Spain is a little different to what we are using in Mexico.
I am a kindergarten teacher for children between age 4 and age 5 and additionally I teach at a school here in Munich: music, painting and handicraft. At the moment just we have holidays.
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