German Dictionary

Translation of Werk

das Werk the work    ; the factory    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Autor behält das Urheberrecht für sein gesamtes Werk.

The author retains the copyright for all his work.
das Werk, Werke the plant(s); the work(s)
Kraftwerk; E-Werk power station
Industrieanlage; Werk platn
Werk; Fabrik; Pflanze plant
das Werk work; labor; obra
Fabrik; Werk mill; works

Yesterday, I heard a very good example to explain my point: On their journey more than ten years ago, the presidential couple Mr. and Mrs. Clinton visited Egypt. They were welcomed by the president.
I have your letter sitting on my desk. But, in the last 2 months I have been working on some projects which were very time consuming. I will not be able to start anything new before October or November.
I will start working on it next week. You can also have a look at our site and give me some feedbacks. You know Spanish better than I do. so please be patient with our questions. I would really like to help.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of work   [ worked, worked ]