German Dictionary

Translation of adapt in German

to adapt     angleichen; anpassen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
In the name of solidarity you should adapt to the circumstances and support the group.

Im Namen der Solidarität sollten Sie sich den Umständen anpassen und die Gruppe unterstützen.
adapt abgleichen; adaptieren; angleichen
adapt oneself to sich anpassen an
to adapt from bearbeiten nach
to adapt to sich anpassen an
to adapt to sich an/passen
to adapt aanpassen 2

Do you know any people in Australia. I have delivered all the necessary information to the friends. Please give them a few more days to correct the letters (I was not in the office last week).
We are currently processing the information that you gave us and I will get back to you in the middle of next week. If there are other Spanish language study materials we are always happy to get them.
We paid for the taxi and waited thirty minutes for the driver to arrive. Again, Argentina reminded me of Italy. We drove into town and were looking for a place. The town made a great first impression.
People also searched for: aesthetics    alarm clock    amalgamation    aneurysm    anyway    arbor    ashore    attentive    axis    banquet   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of adapt   [ adapted, adapted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of angleichen
gleican  gleichst an  gleicht an  gleichen an  gleicht an  gleichen an  glich an  glichst an  glich an  glichen an  glicht an  glichen an     
Conjugation of anpassen
passe an  passt an  passt an  passen an  passt an  passen an  passte an  passtest an  passte an  passten an  passtet an  passten an