German Dictionary

Translation of brawl in German

to brawl     raufen
the brawl     das Handgemenge; die Rauferei
the brawl     die Prügelei; die Schlägerei

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
In the brawl, his eardrum was damaged permanently.

In der Schlägerei wurde sein Trommelfell dauerhaft beschädigt.

We decided to the the super deluxe suite but once the reception clown told us that we could not have it without surcharge we decided to take the second best room for the price that we paid.
Our fisherman stopped the boat and his nine year old girl opened a box with souvenirs, clothes and hats. We were in the middle of a river not going anywhere and had to start buying things.
If you want we can exchange messages and emails in English and Spanish in order to improve and get some exercise. I think we should correct each other's messages. i need to practice otherwise I will forget everything.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of brawl   [ brawled, brawled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of raufen
raufe  raufst  rauft  raufen  rauft  raufen  raufte  rauftest  raufte  rauften  rauftet  rauften