German Dictionary

Translation of confused in German

confused     irre; verlegen; verwirrt; wirr

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She is so confused and does not know whether she really loves her boyfriend.

Sie ist so verwirrt und weiß nicht ob sie ihren Freund wirklich liebt.
Embarrassingly, I confused her blindness with rudeness at first. Peinlicherweise verwechselte ich ihre Blindheit zunächst mit Unhöflichkeit.
to be confused verwirrt, durcheinander
embarrassed, confused verlegen
confused verwirrend
confused verwirrt

I am sorry that I did not respond to your last email you sooner. Have you been busy with your work? Do you have any meetings or travel planned? I have friends around the world and they call me Mike.
People on the bikes continued to drive around us although we were in the middle of the street. Supposedly this city has more than ten million inhabitants and more than three million bikes.
We stood there in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere not exactly knowing what to do next and where we arrived. We had to look for a place to sleep. The village did not have any paved streets.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verlegen
verlege  verlegst  verlegt  verlegen  verlegt  verlegen  verlegte  verlegtest  verlegte  verlegten  verlegtet  verlegten