German Dictionary

Translation of conserve in German

to conserve     bewahren

Translation by Vocabulix


to conserve erhalten,bewahren

It would be an advantage if you could send it via DHL, UPS or another Currier, because the parcel was lost once when we sent it with regular mail. Please send me a reference number after you send it.
I really value honest comments, and I am a believer that it is the only way that the social community system works, so as to know whom you can trust on both sides. Programmers did a great job if you were asking me.
I have accepted you into my friend list, you have to accept me now too. Great! My goal is to have a good level in English, so that I can find a decent job in England or in the United States.
Lately viewed by others: convenient    corruptible    cranky    crucifixion    cutlet    deathblow    definite    depend    determinant    dimmer   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of conserve   [ conserved, conserved ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bewahren
bewahre  bewahrst  bewahrt  bewahren  bewahrt  bewahren  bewahrte  bewahrtest  bewahrte  bewahrten  bewahrtet  bewahrten